Say these affirmations to yourself now. (PART 2)

1 min read

The Almighty God created the Heavens and the Earth and everything in the world. It is interesting to note that there is no place in the bible where it is mentioned that God created the fire. Why is that?

*Because God himself is fire. You can’t create yourself.

*The bible tells us that God is a consuming fire (Hebrew 12:29).

*I am sure that Elijah knows this information.

*Elijah must have been telling God that YOU are fire and YOU have come down before (Exodus 3:1-6).

*When YOU wanted to talk to Moses, YOU came down as a fire burning in the bush and the bush was not consumed. YOU have done it before, do it again LORD.

*You have proved it again and again that YOU are the controller of fire.

*When they threw the Hebrews (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) into the fire, the fire didn’t burn them.

*So, Elijah is saying to GOD, YOU don’t change, YOU said so yourself (Exodus 3:14).

*Interestingly, when Aaron presented an offering before the Almighty GOD, He sent down fire to receive it.

*Do it again LORD.

Pray with me

Oh LORD, prove yourself that YOU are the Almighty in my life today.

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Good morning.


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